Here’s the Thing! A Real Man understands that money doesn’t make him better than anybody else. Generally, men who haven’t earned the money themselves tend to think that they are better people than those people without money. It is a generalisation but men who inherit money, who are given money by dads, uncles or trust funds, always seem to think that they are indeed better than others. (Again, there are the exceptions to this). The truth is that no matter how you came by your money, it is not what makes you a man and it is not in any way a requirement for being a Real Man.

Money doesn’t make a Real Man; character makes a Real Man!

Is it possible for a man who has money to have character too? It is very possible, especially in cases where the man has come from a less privileged background and has through sheer hard work and determination built up his own wealth and has amassed money on his own. These men, more often than not, understand what it is like not to have money, and you will find them very supportive of good causes and the uplifting of those less fortunate. Self-made men seem to be cut from a different cloth.

I really wish I could tell you that money is less important than love or friendship, and it is, but in the modern-day world – money is pretty damn important. We should never make our entire lives about money, but for most men, being the primary breadwinner, we can at times let it consume us. Take care to refocus and to remember that a Real Man is so much more than how much he earns or how much money he has.


When you have money and you are humble you gain the respect of people.

When you accept people based on their character, you make genuine friends and build proper relationships.

When you are able to judge a man on his character instead of his bank account, his car or his house – you are a Real Man.


  1. Spend most of your time becoming a better human being.
  2. Invest in yourself, your mind, your skills and making genuine contacts.
  3. Make sure you spend your money on improving yourself every year. Upgrade your personal skills and your software (grey matter) every year.
  4. No matter how much money you have, you can always invest in someone less fortunate than you. The rewards and the emotional growth you achieve when doing this cannot be put into words.
  5. When you meet someone, try to find out about them and who they are as people and not so much about what they do and how they earn a living.
  6. Never brag or boast about your achievements or your money, you could be speaking to someone who is going through a whole world of hurt.
  7. World peace starts at home, charity starts at home, investment in your children and your family should always be your priority.


  1. But in my experience women go for the money every time. The more money you have the more women you attract, what’s that about?It is sad but true that many women find men with money more attractive than men without money. One of the many experiments in this regard was conducted and aired on the Oprah show. Women were asked to look at men and decide how attractive and appealing they were. The photos had the men’s occupation on them. Almost without exception, when the women noticed an occupation that was well paying, without consciously realising it, all of them, found the high earning men in the photos more attractive than the others.In the earlier control phase of the experiment, the same women had been shown the same men but without occupations on the photos, the results were different. Unanimously, the good-looking men were chosen and singled out. But, by placing occupations that don’t pay well or stating that the individual was an unemployed actor, they slid down the attractive list like Enron shares.Even crazier still, other women were shown the same photos with the occupations of the same men swapped around. This time, the women found the other men were now more attractive. They explained it as a biological need to find men to look after and protect their cubs, a security thing, a feminine need or something.

    The truth is, women find money, and men with money, very appealing. (In most cases women are not even aware of this subconscious selection process and when it was revealed to them – many were shocked at themselves.) But I can assure you there are millions of women who consciously find men with money appealing.

    Is it right? Is it wrong? Who am I to make that judgement? I just know that it is a thing and your observations are correct and have been proven over and over again. It doesn’t mean that it’s the end of the world that some women, a lot of women, do this, it means you should be aware of it. Do you realise that most men find women who have big breasts more appealing than women who don’t – does that mean that small breasted women never get married or have relationships? No.

    If those women appeal to you and that’s your game, do your thing. Real Men however look for the character of a woman that hopefully matches his character. Real Men understand that no matter how much money you have, or what perception of money you project, it’s all just superficial because money doesn’t make a man – always.

  2. Okay, so you’ve done it again just like in the heading, you ended your last sentence with the word – always.The other side of the coin is that a whole lot of men have made a whole lot of money because of their contribution to making the world a better place. There are some men who have from a very young age been goal-driven and ambitious. Because of their drive and determination, because of their commitment and dedication, they have managed, in the service of others, to make a lot of money. Are they any less of a man than the poor environmentalist who hugs trees?Being ambitious and achieving financial success can make you a better man. In the journey of building wealth, the sacrifices, the education, the failures, the tough breaks and all the challenges, these struggles can make you a better man. Most of these men believe that it’s not what they have achieved, not their money or assets but who they have become on their journey of achieving.So, money can make a man when he has achieved success because of his dedication and service to mankind. Do you get the paradox?

    Now, to throw a spanner in the works; when a woman is attracted to a man with money; on a deeper level, she could be saying, “I am attracted to him because he must be a hardworking, in control, talented man to have so much money!” It probably is about the money but it also could be because of who he has become because of his struggle; it’s why he has it, and how he sacrificed for it, that makes him attractive. I suppose the question is; what is more attractive, the trust-fund millionaire or the self-made one?

    Having said that let’s modify the saying to read; money does make the man, if the man has made the money- unless it doesn’t. The word always was added to give you another perspective on the point.

    Money doesn’t always make a man but in some ways, it can.


“I’d like to live like a poor man, only with lots of money.” – Pablo Picasso