Rule 1: A Real Man knows That Money is Energy
Here’s the Thing! Real Men are not obsessed with money but they do know and understand that money is very important. Money is also nothing but an energy. An energy that will find you if you are on the correct frequency. The more frequently you are used (asked to sell your goods or ply your craft), the more money you will get.
Two of the major characteristics of a frequency are consistency and persistency. If you consistently provide a good service to other human beings while persistently giving value, the money energy will find you. The consistent value you provide for other human beings will generate the money energy you require. The higher the frequency, that is, the more often you deliver exceptional products and services, the greater the money energy reward you will receive. Obviously, the fewer the people who are able to supply the goods or services you provide, the more frequently you will be called upon.
So a person providing brain surgery will receive a far higher frequency of money than say a person who digs ditches. Most people can dig a ditch, only a few can do brain surgeries. Can the ditch digger earn big money? That all depends on the standard of ditches he digs. If he is skilled in sophisticated ditches, like say, digging for the owners of a diamond mine, and he uses major engineering digging equipment, then he can earn more than a brain surgeon. The skill normally matches the remuneration. The rarer the skill, the higher the remuneration.
Real men also know that money is also a scorecard to see how well you are doing.
Money is a great indicator as to whether you are actually delivering value and whether or not you are on the right wavelength.
Sometimes money finds you effortlessly when you do something that you love. This is pretty rare but does happen from time to time and when it does it’s a double blessing. The person who loves skateboarding ends up running a skateboard Empire.
Real Men understand that in most cases however, making money means hard work, effort and sacrifice, even if you are doing what you love. Simple hard work will give you simple returns. Sophisticated or rare hard work will give you higher returns. Please note in both sentences the words - hard work - appear.
Money needs to be respected. If you respect the money and you treat it well, money will not only find you, but it will stay with you and could even multiply itself.
Money is like a friendship. If you look after it, respect it, put a lot into getting and keeping it, and you ask favours of it sparingly - you will have a friend for life.
Spending money that you don’t have is like using and disrespecting a friend that you hardly know or you’ve just met. Imagine hearing about a guy you are going to meet and next moment you get a call from him asking you to pay his rent this month.
Money does make the world go around and when you have it under control it’s like travelling through the ocean without an anchor dragging on the seabed.
It’s waking up every morning and not having to worry about how you are going to pay the bills or provide for your family.
When you understand that money is a scorecard, an energy, you don’t worship it, you work for it and you appreciate it; money can give you the freedom to live your dreams.
- The bigger the service that you provide, the bigger the money reward will be.
- The rarer the service that you provide, the bigger the money reward will be.
- The better you are at providing the service, the bigger the money reward.
- Energy flows where attention goes. So, if you focus all of your attention on delivering world-class service and products, you cannot help but attract money energy.
- The simple truth is that the more time and energy you spend on being the best and delivering the best, the more money you will earn. Now, what you do with that money and how you treat it, will determine how much money you will have and get to keep.
- Consistently invest a chunk of your money every month in self-education.
- Consistently invest a chunk of your money every month in savings.
- Consistently invest money back into your business - always improving it.
- It is almost impossible for anyone to see the value that you provide, and to pay you a valuable amount if you don’t value yourself. The more you value yourself and the more value you place on what you do - the more others will value you.
- Yes, but money is the root of all evil!
No, it isn’t actually, I think the saying goes: “The love of money is the root of all evil”. And both of those sayings are completely false and only used to keep people down. Money doesn’t change you. Money just magnifies the person you were in the first place. So, if you were an arse hole before you got money, and you get money, now you’re just an arse hole with money.What you do with money is based on who you are in the first place. If you are a wonderful, kind, caring human being and your love for money helps you build hospitals, start feeding programmes or give bursaries away, then your love for money is not evil, in fact the exact opposite. - Yes, but money can’t buy you happiness!
Have you noticed that only poor people say that? I would rather arrive at my problems in a brand-new Porsche than by bus. Maybe it’s the angle of the problem that changes. Can money make you happy? Same answer as above, someone once said that money can’t buy you happiness but we all have the right to find out for ourselves. I believe money makes life so much easier if you understand it and treat it with respect.
"Money is neither my God or my devil, it is a form of energy that tends to make us more of who we already are, whether it is greedy or loving." - Dan Millman